IPC-A-610H is the most widely used electronics assembly acceptance standard in the electronics industry. IPC-A-610H standard includes a general update to the document, introduces several new surface mount component types and removes target conditions. Participants from 29 countries provided their input and expertise to bring this document to the electronics industry.
The IPC-A-610H is a must-have for inspectors, operators and others with an interest in the acceptance criteria for electronic assemblies. IPC-A-610H was developed in synergy with J-STD-001H and IPC/WHMA-A-620C.
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Number of Pages: 416
Release Date: 10/7/2020
ISBN: 978-1-951577-61-2
Product ID: A610-STD-0-D-0-EN-H
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Simple to Order
JL talked me through what I needed and got me my access code. Thanks for making this process painless!
Good sales support
The teachers at BEST helped me understand something in the standard. It took longer than a day to get the e standard. Somehting about getting the key from IPC?
Quick Response
Thanks for promptly answering all my questions. Many times on line sellers do not support the sale of the material. You did a good job.
Thanks for getting this shipped fast
I ordered pretty late but JL bailed me out by getting the standard out overnight.
Easy Transaction
Received the codes quickly after order. I like using the electronic version as I can search on terms.
Received the key promptly
Thanks for the assistance on the new standard.